Products for free – Gifts

We believe that a gift will please you and will be – hopefully – a start of regular use of the product.

We wish you good health and beauty.


The gift is automatically added to the gift recipient's standard product order (eSHOP).

PROMO 1 + 1 for selected product, the principle:
- for every 111 PV* containing a selected product**
* one-time order worth at least 111 PV
** I pay for 1 product the usual way (PV is accounted) & 1 product I'm getting for free (no PV)

Valid until 31.12.2023.


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So far, you have no products assigned to you for the use of the PROMO FOR ME.

The products completely for free! Great!
We believe you will enjoy the offer!

PROMO FOR ME for 2 STARLIFE products.

Complete rules and conditions are in the "downloads" tab on this page -recommended to read

The number of approved/added experiences:
Date Code   Name   Product change

Total number of vouchers available in this bonus period:

New voucher assignment:

TOP 2 popular products:

Code Name Already ordered (ks)

List of sent Vouchers
# Date ID Name Activated Bonus PV ZK Order Code Name
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