Experience with products: menopause

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  • Menopause

    A woman attended the presentation, who used ALFALFA STAR and she was incredibely happy with the results and experience. She had problems with menopause, she lost hair and had high cholesterol. After three months of using 2x daily 2 capsules she started to feel much better and she stopped losing hair. Her cholesterol improved and she was clearly excited and happy. She had more confidence because she felt better.

    Tags: menopause, hair loss, , high cholesterol
    Products: 2701
  • Menopause

    I started using WILD JAM when I had problems with my menopause as a recommendation from my doctor. Soon everything returned to normal.
    jsem začala brát v době přechodu, kdy jsem měla velké potíže a na doporučení lékařky jsem ho začala užívat. Vše se vrátilo do normálu.
    WILD JAM fixed up my thyroid glands and I don't need to take any prescribed medicine. I feel better and full of life now, as if my youth returned. After this experience I am a representative of .

    Tags: menopause, thyroid glands, vitality
    Products: 2742
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