Experience with products: detoxication

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  • Acne

    My son had problems with acne. So we tried things fromo pharmacies but it was still quite bad. After a test we found out that they are caused by toxins and bacteria in the body. On recommendation he started to use products GREPO STAR 1-0-1, OREGANO STAR 1-0-0 and MULTI STAR 0-0-15 ml. After 14 days the acne started to step aside and heal. After 2 months his skin was almost completely free from it. We are very happy that we were introduced to these products of , which helped us in a desperate situation. Thank you.

    Tags: acne, detoxication
    Products: 1644 1414 1845 1846 1841
  • Detoxication and deacidication of the organism

    Hello, I would like to share my experience with people who are hesitatnt with the purchase of this product. A year ago I got a recommendation for detoxication and deacidification of the body. I used the product CAYENNE STAR, water and lemon juice. I started with two liters of lemon juice to which I added CAYENNE STAR. I mix lemon juice with water and I swallow CAYENNE STAR tablets with it. I used 5 capsules a week and kept it the entire month. I lost 7.5 kg in a month and after a year my weight still holds, I am very pleased. There is no jo-jo effect even after years of usage. I recommend CAYENNE STAR to everyone with similar problems when it comes to weight. I have a lot more energy and I feel great!

    Tags: deacidfication, detoxication, weight loss
    Products: 1105
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